GriotCity™ is the name of our server space. This is where all the magic happens for our Web Property and web hosting Clients. We have designed based on the idea of a real city complete with houses, stores, rental space and streets. View our comparison:
GriotStreets™ is what we call our bandwidth, the amount of data that can be transmitted in a fixed amount of time. Bandwidth is defined as a range within a band of frequencies or wavelengths. Depending on your web hosting package, you can have a little bandwidth up to unlimited bandwidth.
How does this all work? Each Web Property package comes with a set amount of bandwidth. During the assessment process of your future website, we will evaluate your Web Property's needs and calculate how much bandwidth you will more than likely use. We use a simple formula to determine your bandwidth which entails estimating the size of your website, number of pages your Web Property will have, and the number of visitors you expect to visit your Web Property on a daily scale.
Let's say you have 10 web pages on your Web Property and on an average including graphics, images etc. your page size comes to around 70KB. You may have 120 visitors per day on your website who actually looked at all 10 web pages. We would calculate your bandwidth for 1 day like this:
70KB X 120 visitors X 10 pages= 84,000 KB or 84 MB
Rental space in GriotCity™ is the allocated space used on our servers in order to make your Web Property live and available to the rest of the internet world.
Your domain name is your GriotStreet™ address. It is the ONLY way others can find your website in GriotCity™. Without a domain name, potential visitors do not have access to your website and/or estore.
Want to move to GriotCity™ and have us build your Web Property? Get more details here.